I am Chantel and I love learning, being a mom, spending time with my family, reading, cooking, and doing different projects. And here's a living room glamor shot...
My husband Neil loves anything to do with hunting. Period. What some people may consider ironic, he also really loves living animals also, specifically dogs. And deer. And chickens. And cows. And pigs. And, well, you get the picture ;) He is starting to train dogs to get into mountain lion hunting which he is really excited about!
About 5 years ago he was in a motorcycle accident which resulted in his leg being amputated, and complete loss of use of his arm on the same side. Which most people don't even notice until their attention is specifically drawn to it. He has the greatest attitude as well as a determination that drives him to be able to do everything he was ever able to before. Just being around him makes you see life in a different way and come away as a better person. His positive attitude is contagious.
Neil and I met, spent everyday together, and on February 19, 2011, were married 6 months later! We have ups and downs like everyone else, but we truly love each other. He loves to spoil me whenever he can, and I will sometimes scratch his back... or his working arm. (one of those things you wouldn't think about with only having one arm!)
We live in southern Utah and just celebrated our one year anniversary of living in the house that we (LITERALLY) built ourselves! We love our neighborhood and have the best neighbors anyone could dream of! Block parties, ingredient borrowing, pie nights, driving through a constant obstacle course of scooters, random cul-de-sac pizza dinners, glow stick bike nights... it's pretty much the life!
On Valentines Day 2012 our first perfect son, Gage Culver was born! He is handsome, strong, funny, mischievous, a bottomless pit, and too smart for my own good! He is such a joy and we love him dearly. His life revolves around food, sleep, and his "Lamby". A stuffed animal he would save in a fire before giving Neil or me a second thought...
This past August the 30th (2013) our second perfect son, Tobin Reid joined our family. He is a tank. Can you say 90th%?! We love him! He is such a pleasant baby so far! He is gorgeous too, unfortunately neither of my boys are as photogenic as they are handsome, so most of you reading will never know the extent of his beauty ;) He is growing so fast, and learning things faster than I think he should... He is so loved by his big brother also! It's super adorable...
So, that's us! The Stephens.
...And of course Lamby.
Yes, despite the hair confusion it is really me in each of the pictures...
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